For things such as clothes, shoes, and bags....I never stock them up. Not even for ONE month!!! Maybe it is because I don't have big wardrobe to rotate so I wear NEW BUY right away. I konw lots of my darling gal friends have way too many clothes, shoes than I do. They can always dig out NEW/UNWORE stuff to wear and claim those are bought like year(s) ago. For me, I feel it is pretty amazing and I often think they must have a magical closet or something like Doraemon's 任意門? How I wish I can dig out new stuff everytime when step into our closet. haha......
The Max Mara clog stiletto is very high and I had to sit down for a rest!! My friend and I went to Emeryville in oakland yesterday to shop for some home decor. They have IKEA, EQ3, Pottery barn, West elm, ......etc. in the neighborhood. I didn't sign up summer school for my older kids so I am taking them everywhere w/ me. I have to came up a place to take them for a field trip everyday before their 2 weeks summer camp starting at next week.