It is hard!
It is sometimes became a headache to pick up a perfect gift for friends.
First thing is "what does s/he want?" Then, the budget, the style, the color,..... or maybe the budget goes first it will be much easier?!! I don't know. We are all moms, we constantly struggle between buying things for "practical" or for "looks". lol
I own my friend, Yu, a birthday gift. So today is the day that I thought I had to give Yu her B-day gift. As for the hand-made birthday card, I asked her for a rain check till this Christmas!! haha...... Birthday card + Christmas card!!!! My, did I say Christmas already!!!?
The gift I prepared turns out not that perfect after receiving it so I returned it. And that just throws me back to the same dilemma "what else she likes"???!! I walked in a store which we all shopped there before this morning, and just when I was stuck at whether a boyfriend cardigan or a pair of leggings meet Yu's taste/likes the best, I found a perfect pair of SHOES!!! I saw a customer pick them up in the store, and I also recall that Yu wants to check out those shoes just recently while they are available for a while already. :) The brand is MinneTonka made in Minnesota!!
Wouldn't you know it, I bought 2 of them!!! One for myself and the other one is for Yu. Yah!!! UGG never gets my attention, but this pair sure is a great substitution to warm up my feet in the winter. I hope she will like it too!!

w/ flash!!
Size 8 and 9. (We go up half size for thicker socks in the winter!)

w/o flash.

More true to the color: Dusty brown!!!!

I think my Pink pants goes w/ the brown boots.

There are pretty pattern on the socks.

Flying lizard design turquoise/golden disc necklace is from Cathy.

Great thing about this harem pants is its super long tapered legs which can be tucked underneath my ankle to elongate the look of my legs even more!! :)
1. TOP:
3. Accessory:

It is sometimes became a headache to pick up a perfect gift for friends.
First thing is "what does s/he want?" Then, the budget, the style, the color,..... or maybe the budget goes first it will be much easier?!! I don't know. We are all moms, we constantly struggle between buying things for "practical" or for "looks". lol
I own my friend, Yu, a birthday gift. So today is the day that I thought I had to give Yu her B-day gift. As for the hand-made birthday card, I asked her for a rain check till this Christmas!! haha...... Birthday card + Christmas card!!!! My, did I say Christmas already!!!?
The gift I prepared turns out not that perfect after receiving it so I returned it. And that just throws me back to the same dilemma "what else she likes"???!! I walked in a store which we all shopped there before this morning, and just when I was stuck at whether a boyfriend cardigan or a pair of leggings meet Yu's taste/likes the best, I found a perfect pair of SHOES!!! I saw a customer pick them up in the store, and I also recall that Yu wants to check out those shoes just recently while they are available for a while already. :) The brand is MinneTonka made in Minnesota!!
Wouldn't you know it, I bought 2 of them!!! One for myself and the other one is for Yu. Yah!!! UGG never gets my attention, but this pair sure is a great substitution to warm up my feet in the winter. I hope she will like it too!!

w/ flash!!
Size 8 and 9. (We go up half size for thicker socks in the winter!)

w/o flash.

More true to the color: Dusty brown!!!!

I think my Pink pants goes w/ the brown boots.

Those are little accouterments I received from Yu, Pei and Cathy for my birthday gifts. The sexy knee high socks is from Yu who bought from Germany. I wore them the past couple days except the socks......the weather is not cold enough!! :)

There are pretty pattern on the socks.

Flying lizard design turquoise/golden disc necklace is from Cathy.

Great thing about this harem pants is its super long tapered legs which can be tucked underneath my ankle to elongate the look of my legs even more!! :)
1. TOP:
- Moss green ruched top
- Tsesay pink harem pants
3. Accessory:
- Cathy gifted necklace
- Lanvin happy sac
