I constantly improvising our home decor. or moving around the furniture setting to give us and our guests a refreshing feel every now and then. Yes... another task to keep myself even busier.
I appreciate hand-made stuff and I'd sew myself everything if I know how to! But since I am not, so I am glad there are so many artisans who knows so much about "embroidery"!!
If you are looking for cute and unique handmade decoration, Monkey and Squirrel has very cute stuff for you.
Etsy Find: Wall floral decor from Monkey and squirrel.
Can you see that pretty wall floral decor is almost the same pattern as my pillow. ^^

This morning I took off an old beaded embroidery from a not-being-loved sweater and sew it on my leggings.

Isn't this embroidery the prettiest little thing!!

What's your recent DIY project?
xoxo Rachel
As for DIY projects, I've been working on home-made Halloween costumes for both kids b/c both of their preschool/kindergarten requires it to be DIY. Can you believe it?! I suck at sewing but I've bit the bullet and have visited Michaels and Jo-Anns numerous times. LOL.
Btw, Alaia heels are always so fun to look at but the height of the heels are always too intimidating for me. So did you end up buying the gold lace up?
Man, you are super mom too. I'd say I wouldn't be willing to do whole DIY outfit for my kids...I would end of sleepless, restless,... painful and never going to finish the costumes. So,... I am very curious just what your little ones will be this year?!! Reveal?
Ah, I did end of getting that... I was talking to Izy this morning that I don't even know if the lace up goes all the way to calf or... well, I am kinda of an impulsive buyer so....let's just wait and see when I receive it. :)
How about you? Any temptation recently?