I am still so into Alexander Wang's design for this A/W. I'd find a sweater to cozy me up through this winter but I can't seem to decide should I get big chunky knitting sweater or this cropped "bra-dice"-alike sweater!!

I was kinda shy when Cathy took picture for me.... cause' I suddenly see the "bra-dice" ribbon cutting there~~
You know, bathing suit is one thing but wearing such bra-conscious sweater is another!! lol

Maybe this xs size is too small for me... it seems to me that "there" aren't perfectly aligned~~~ lol

Yet another perfect color combination.... gray/pinkish purple/mocha!

Japanese brand: KOI SUWANNAGATE
Finally I found this brand in 3rd floor at Barney's today... which is the brand of my big knitting cape I wore today.
They didn't have a whole lot collection in Barney's but their cashmere quality is "superb". 

You know what, I am going to try my luck in ITALY to see some Isabel Marant's collection.

Love this one!
Have a good weekend!
xoxo Rachel
I thought you are long gone to Cyprus. ^^
We didn't plan enroute to Paris as we are taking the whole family again for this trip. (you know, the money you spend on shopping probably is half the expense of our whole air fare and hotel altogether.)That being said, you are lucky to have only one child for this reason and since you don't normally travel w/ your kid, you and your husband can really enjoy and be ROMANTIC. ^O^
No, I probably am not interested in seeing Isabel Marant in Paris. (She is famous in New York not back in Paris until now. Besides, Izy said that there is nothing interesting in Paris when she visited there. And I believed her. ) So I am going to explore her line in Rome. Yes, her secondary line-Etoile does sometimes seem more interesting. And I found one dress of Etoile taht I am interested in Barneys for $495...I think. But again, I have way too many clothes that I think they might just be ANOTHER piece if I get too many of the similar thing.
have a good day!!!
It's ok you don't believe me that Isabel Marant has the largest collection in her boutiques in Paris. Try out Rome then and do let us know what you see. Not sure how different her collection in Rome than in Paris though.
BTW, you probably have no idea how much I spend on shopping for our Europe trips plus room and lodging...hahahahahahaha:D
Hope you enjoy you family trip soon.
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